Monday, February 27, 2012

White Scars vs Necron Battle Report (If you want to call it that)

So I recently played a small game (1000) points of White Scars vs Necrons. I happened to take a couple photos from my phone for the hell of it and I will attempt to create a battle report from it. So here it goes.

Sweet Jesus ignore the spelling errors, Im deadly tired and messed up spell check so it wont let me use it again. =(

Preface: Now I'm not about to go around pirating codex (although I should because GW is evil) and I wasn't about to insult this man's intelligence by double checking every new rule for him, but perhaps I should have. I have been told numerous things in the new codex that he left our or ignored and it was mostly to my benefit... In short read your codex, especially if it is your first time playing with it.So all the Necron rules that were missed, I take no blame for. I was not trying to cheat, this was a friendly game and I wasn't about to analyze every rule he implemented because frankly I don't play this game to win *GASPS!!* Sometimes it just happens though and that's always a plus.

White scars deployment: I won the roll for choosing who goes first and since we agreed to play spearhead that we were maximizing our very limited play field I choose to go first. I knew he would plop his Monolith as close to the center as possible so I threw caution to the wind with 2 melta guns 1 multimelta and 4 krak missiles assumed I could at least put a big hurt on it early on. As you can see Xbox game cases were area terrain (don't judge me).   So I guess I should let you in on what I fielded. 1 Captain with a Relic blade on a Bike, 1 full bike squad with 2 melta guns, 2 Land Speeder Typhoons with heavy bolters in a squadron, 1 Dreadnought with Multimelta and CCW/Flamer, 1 5 man squad of scouts with sniper rifles and 1 heavy bolter with hellfire shells, 1 5 man devastator squad with 1 plasma cannon and 1 heavy bolter and in a rhino.

Necron Deployment: As I predicted Necron Monolith up from as close as possible and everyone else hiding behind it. He deployed the Monolith, a Named Lord (don't remember which one but he didn't have much of an impact anyway), 1 5 man squad of Necrons who had a Shield that gave them 4+ invul saves and power weapons, 2 5 man squads of warriors, 2 5 man squads of the little bug fuckers (its 2 am and I couldn't sleep so I'm writing this cut me some slack) and a 5 man squad of snipers which I think were called Death marks.

White Scars Round 1: As you can see, not much movement went on, I wanted to see what he was going to do with everything. I wasn't about to ride headlong into the monolith guns blazing but I was far enough away that I felt safe for the most part. However you can see the Dreadnought charging at that Monolith to put some pain in on it with the Monolith no longer being immune to it. However, this is me we are talking about and nothing should be taken for granted not even Melta, because *Spoiler* The monolith never took anything more than a Stunned result after first turn. That's right, even with me constantly pumping melta and Krak missiles into it, nothing. Not a God damned scratch. Cest la vie.... */Spoiler* So not much went on, Stunned the monolith with my Dreadnought, krak missiled it 4 times, nothing. Shot at some scarabs and maybe killed 1 other unit but nothing that stands out.

Necrons Turn 1: He moved around a bit, Monolith couldn't shoot, and because of how I placed my troops he couldn't shoot much besides the Rhino or Dreadnoughts. I believe it was this point that he immobilized the Dreadnoughts but that's okay because He was within melta range anyway.

Now turns 2-4 were long boring and full of not much action, besides me killing shit. It was soo unforgettable that I forgot to take pictures but I will try to surmise it as best as possible. He popped by Rhino with scarabs and my bikes tarpit his entire army, Yup that's about what happened. The monolith rarely moved as it was almost always in range. He attacked my dreadnought with some scarabs but they were crushed like the bugs they were but they left the dreadnought with 7 armor as that's how they work now. I lost 1 Speeder to the Monolith and a couple of scouts but overall the 2+ cover save when they would go to ground saved them. The    Devastators wiped out the other squad of scarabs with minimal loses, but that took about 3 turns. The bikes were the unsung heroes here though. They literally tarpit his Lord, squad of "terminator esqe" units and 2 squads of warriors who would later join the fray. This left nothing for his warriors and snipers to shoot at as everything was in assault. The monolith also had very little to shoot at, it would sometimes be in range of the Speeders and managed to take one out but otherwise it was shooting at my scouts who were in cover with cloaks on and did minimal damage.  All in all this was the end result:

Bikes took some loses as did everything but overall I would say this was a complete route. We were playing Annialation so I think the end score ended up being something like White Scars: 10 Necrons: 5 (it would have been 2, but I decided to headlong rush that Monolith with my Bike Captain who had melta bombs after everything else on the board was dead. So the Captain and Sgt died. Oh well)

Points to work on: If melta just doesnt want to roll higher than an 6 on 2 dice what the hell am I supposed to do? I think I made the best of a bad situation there by preventing it from laying down any pain by just being in assault the whole game.

Points that I did well: Tarpit almost his entire footslogging units with my 1 squad of bikes. He could hit on a 4 but had to wound on a 5 those power weapons just never made it through. The warriors would sometimes do damage but 3+ armor save usually took care of it. All in all, I think I maxed my strengths with minimizing my weaknesses and that always will set you up for success. Granted I was playing against someone who didnt quite know their army that well, but as G.I. Joe will tell you, "Knowing is half the battle!" so I dont think it should count against me that my opponent was not prepared.

Points for Necrons to work on: Know your units and you lists. This may take time playing with them or just picking up the codex and reading it once or twice (five or six) times over. I understand why you clumped everything together but it just never seems to work out for you, try something new, Ive lost about 20 times with my White Scars because I try every and any deployment method and configuration of units just to see what works well together in an actual game situation. Losing can suck but if you get the notion of losing out of your head and just play to have a good time and some stories later it make it infanitely more fun and you could make some friends, except for the win at all cost people, they are never friends....

Points Necrons did good at: Well shit happens and sometimes you just cant stop it. This seemed to be manifest destiny and Murphy's Law all rolled into one for you, but hey atleast your monolith didnt die to lots of melta and krak missiles so I guess they didnt nerf it too bad right? Nothing in your army seemed to work together. You had an overall idea of what you wanted out of units but then had to practicle way to apply that on the table. You may have been restricted due to only having 1500 points at the most of units but maybe switch things up. I mean you did just get a completely new codex but try to have a theme. For example, my white scars units are flexable, bikes can be almost anywhere in a turn or 2, speeders as well. but they still have some backbone with the devestators and even the speeders Typhoon missiles. So even if I lose, I still strive to  out manuver and suprise my oppenant and eventually I find things that work, but more importantly, I find the things that dont work. I know this wasnt exactly things you did good at, but honestly... What did you do good at? HAHAHA, oh man Im a dick..

Overall: I had fun, until it got to turn 2 and we had to double check every new necron rule. Also, nothing personal against my oppenant, but God damn did they take way too fucking long between turns. This was a 1000 point game that lasted 4 hours, 4 HOURS! His car actually ended up getting towed that night because he was parked in a spot he wasnt supposed to be in after midnight. So I had to drive him out 20 miles away to go get it back, but thats not 40k so Ill leave it out now. If only I could get some luck on my side with the melta this could have been a 11 to 2 or maybe even 11 to 1 match that lasted half the time.

Necron stew:

Monday, February 13, 2012

1 year later...

Wow so it has been almost an entire year since my last post. Since moving to Hawaii and not enjoying the table top community out here I have been slow to keep up with things and play some matches for the previously stated reason. To prove that I am the most hip 40k nerd I got a 40k tattoo and since getting the White Scars chapter symbol tattooed onto my left shoulder (as any good battle brother would have) I am undefeated. Granted I have only played 1 game but I think good things are coming if I keep up playing. I have been playing some Star Wars The Old Republic lately ever since a friend convinced me to get it so my time has been more than occupied. Gonna keep up on this blogging thing I think. Just so I can see where I am at and where I started. I cant believe since the last time I posted I have moved a quater of the way around the world. Anyway, I ordered myself a sexy new computer as well. Should be arriving in a couple of weeks. Ill post what is inside in my next post. As for now, its swtor time.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Models should be arriving soon!

This White Scars commander (with some minor modifications) will be my Storm Seer. Also known to non White Scars as a Librarian. Just shipped today and hope to have it soon. Also ordered the last 2 Land Speeders and when they get it my total will be at 6. Cant wait to get them all together then go down to TBS comics and try them out! Also, still waiting on my Caestus Assault Ram from ForgeWorld. It cant come soon enough!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

40k at TBS

Well, I lost both of my games today. 1 was awesomely close and could have gone either way. The other, well being my second time playing IG I am ok with the results. The only way I will learn what to do against certain armies is to play them. Both of the games were super fun though. I cant wait to put some of these Land Speeders together and see what they can do! Khan with some Storm Shield Terminators in a Land Raider is super fun to play but they really are too slow. If they can get into assault, they will wreck your shit, but if not they are a waste of points. Should have axed the Land Raider in my list for my second game instead of the bike squad. Oh well.

Walter Im calling you out. How you gonna go up and play Sam but refuse to play anyone in Pensacola? For Shame. I expect a match when you get back now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Space Marine Bike Army

So ever since I started playing Warhammer 40k I have been in love with the concept of a bike army. I dont know what it is but they are just super cool. I have been experimenting with how to best use this type of army and have come across a very well done article detailing a bike based army. The main problem I had with it was these Land Speeders. I was not a fan. The low armor value really threw me off the band wagon. After reading the responses that Red Archer received, I think I may be ready to jump back on that band wagon. Of course the main problem anyone has with putting together a bike army list is just the cost to buy the models. Well here we go again because I may be buying 6 Land Speeders. Maybe just 3 to start out and if they work out well I may have to invest in 3 more. I may throw up a potential list in the future but for now I am still working on the details.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My first post

I generally don't enjoy writing down and preserving my life and its events via blog or otherwise but I figured I would give it a shot and see how it goes. Warhammer 40k will most likely be the focus of this as it is one of the main things I enjoy right now. Music might also get thrown in there when I find a new band that I like. Along with maybe some video game stuff too. I would really enjoy if anyone who follows me would comment and interact with my blogs as it would keep me interested and this wouldn't become something like my Facebook or Myspace that I just use to message the people who are on. Other than that I look forward to starting my first blog and hope everyone enjoys reading and interacting with me as well.

Also, down with the Heresy that is the Blood Guppie. You know who you are!!